At the Custard Creamery, the cost of ice cream custard is directly proportional to its weight in ounces. Complete the equation of the graph with its constant of proportionality.


that answer is 21 year old dog

The amount of water is directly proportional to the number of cups of rice. The coordinate (12, 1) is on the graph of this proportional relationship. Identify another point on the graph.(1

Since the amount of water is directly proportional to the number of cups of rice, we can write the equation as:

W = kR

where W is the amount of water and R is the number of cups of rice, and k is the constant of proportionality.

We are given that the coordinate (12, 1) is on the graph, which means that when there are 12 cups of rice, there is 1 unit of water. We can now use this information to find another point on the graph.

If we let R = 1 (1 cup of rice), then we can find the value of W:

W = k(1) = k

Since we know that when R = 12, W = 1, we can substitute these values into the equation:

1 = k(12)

1/12 = k

So for R = 1, we have W = k = 1/12.

Therefore, another point on the graph is (1, 1/12).

simplify the answer

The simplified answer is (1, 1/12).

Apologies for the confusion. Let's simplify the answer correctly.

The simplified answer is (1, 1/12).

he age of a dog is proportional to the age of a human. Based on the graph, determine a dog’s age if a human is 3 years old

Without the graph, it is not possible to determine the exact age of a dog if a human is 3 years old. The proportional relationship between the age of a dog and the age of a human would require information from the graph or the constant of proportionality to make this determination.

Let "x" represent the weight of ice cream custard in ounces, and "y" represent the cost of the ice cream custard.

Since the cost of ice cream custard is directly proportional to its weight, we can write the equation as:
y = kx

where "k" is the constant of proportionality.

To find the value of "k", we need to use the given information.