Look at the map of the share of the population of Florida’s counties that is Hispanic or Latino. Which of the following datasets would help you drill down for more depth on Florida’s Hispanics?(1 point)


Census data on income levels by education

Census data on business ownership

Census data on language spoken at home

Census data on household size

As an AI language model, my responses are based on general knowledge and information available to me. While I strive to provide accurate and helpful answers, I cannot guarantee a 100% accuracy rate. It's always a good idea to verify information from multiple sources.

Census data on language spoken at home

are your answers correct 80 90 or 100 percent of the time

To drill down for more depth on Florida's Hispanics, the dataset that would be most relevant is "Census data on language spoken at home." This dataset could provide information on the languages spoken by Florida's Hispanic population, including the level of English proficiency, and help understand the linguistic diversity within the community.

Out of the given datasets, the one that would help you drill down for more depth on Florida's Hispanics is Census data on language spoken at home. This dataset would provide information on the languages spoken by the Hispanic or Latino population in Florida's counties, allowing for a better understanding of their linguistic diversity and preferences. By analyzing this data, you can gain insights into the cultural and linguistic aspects of Florida's Hispanic communities.