Which of the following would be the best consulted when wanting information about natural and human-made features?


topographic map

political map

thematic map

a globe

topographic map

When wanting information about natural and human-made features, the best option to consult would be a thematic map.

When wanting information about natural and human-made features, the best resource to consult would be a thematic map.

To understand why a thematic map is the best choice, let's break down the options:

1. Topographic map: A topographic map displays the physical features of a particular area, such as mountains, rivers, and elevation levels. While it provides valuable information on natural features, it may not provide a comprehensive overview of human-made features.

2. Political map: A political map focuses on the boundaries and divisions of countries, states, and cities. While it can be useful for understanding political and administrative divisions, it may not provide detailed information about natural or human-made features.

3. Thematic map: A thematic map emphasizes specific themes or topics, such as climate, population density, land use, or vegetation. It can provide detailed information about both natural and human-made features within a particular theme. Therefore, a thematic map would be the best choice when looking for comprehensive information about both types of features.

4. Globe: While a globe provides a three-dimensional representation of the Earth, it may not have the level of detail or specificity required to understand natural and human-made features. Thematic maps, on the other hand, can provide much more specific information within a focused theme.

So, when seeking information about natural and human-made features, it would be best to consult a thematic map as it provides a specialized and comprehensive view on the subject.