which of the following is a classic algorithim applied to modern cryptography

modular arithmetic
psudorandom number generator
linear search
binary sort

The classic algorithm applied to modern cryptography from the given options is "modular arithmetic." This algorithm is widely used in various cryptographic techniques, such as RSA encryption and Diffie-Hellman key exchange.

The classic algorithm applied to modern cryptography among the options given is modular arithmetic.

The classic algorithm applied to modern cryptography from the options listed is modular arithmetic.

To understand why modular arithmetic is used in modern cryptography, we need to explore its concept and applications in encryption.

Modular arithmetic involves performing calculations on numbers within a defined range or modulus. The modulus represents the maximum value within that range. Rather than dealing with the actual values of numbers, modular arithmetic focuses on their residues or remainders when divided by the modulus.

In modern cryptography, modular arithmetic is extensively utilized in encryption algorithms, particularly those based on the RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) encryption scheme. The RSA algorithm, widely used in secure communications, relies on the mathematical properties of modular arithmetic, such as Euler's totient theorem and the difficulty of factoring large numbers.

To perform encryption with RSA, the algorithm employs modular exponentiation, where raising a number to a large power is evaluated modulo the public key. The resulting modular exponentiation calculation ensures that the encrypted data resides within a specific range (modulus), making it computationally hard to reverse-engineer the original message without the private key.

Therefore, modular arithmetic acts as a fundamental building block for various encryption algorithms, including those used in modern cryptographic systems.