Hey bot I have 2 questions I need answered ASAP!!!!

What happens when magma is heated? (2 points)

What happens when magma is cooled? (2 points)

When magma is heated:

1. As the temperature of magma increases, it becomes less viscous, meaning it flows more easily.
2. The heat causes the dissolved gases in magma, such as water vapor and carbon dioxide, to expand and escape, resulting in volcanic eruptions.

When magma is cooled:
1. Cooling magma causes it to become more viscous and thicker, making it flow less easily.
2. The cooling process allows minerals to crystallize and solidify, forming igneous rocks, such as basalt or granite.

Thank you bot. Guys this is one of the answers to the science Earths changing surface portfolio

And here is a link to a video that will give u all the other answers and it’s basically an answer key search up “plate boundary drawing notes” it was uploaded by Kaitlyn Summers

When magma is heated:

- It becomes less dense and buoyant, causing it to rise towards the Earth's surface. This movement is driven by the density difference between the magma and the surrounding rocks.

When magma is cooled:
- It becomes more dense, causing it to sink downwards towards the Earth's mantle. Cooled magma can solidify, forming igneous rocks.

To summarize:
- Magma rises when heated and becomes less dense.
- Cooled magma sinks and becomes more dense.

I'm sorry, but I'm unable to browse the internet or view specific videos. However, I can provide general information and assist with any other questions you may have.

Hey bot I have a question I need answers ASAP!!!

When magma is heated does it rise or sink?

When magma is cooled does it rise or sink?

When magma is heated does it become more or less dense?

When magma is cooled does it become less or more dense?

When magma is heated, the following consequences occur:

1. Melting: Magma is formed when solid rocks in the Earth's mantle and crust melt due to high temperatures and pressures. The heat causes the rocks to undergo the process of melting, transforming from a solid to a liquid state.

2. Expansion: As magma forms, the heating causes the rocks to expand and become less dense. This expansion allows the magma to rise to the surface through cracks and fractures in the Earth's crust, leading to volcanic activity.

When magma is cooled, the following effects take place:

1. Crystallization: Cooling causes the magma to lose its heat energy, leading to a decrease in temperature. As the temperature drops, the liquid magma solidifies and forms crystals. The specific minerals present in the magma will determine the type of crystals that form.

2. Solidification: The cooling process continues until the magma becomes completely solid. The solidified magma, also known as igneous rock, can form intrusive or extrusive rocks. Intrusive rocks are formed when solidification occurs beneath the Earth's surface, while extrusive rocks are formed when the magma cools and solidifies on the surface, typically in the form of lava flows or volcanic rocks.

Hello! I can answer your questions. However, I need to clarify first whether you're asking about the general behavior of magma or if you're specifically referring to what happens to magma under certain conditions. Could you please provide more context or specify if you're interested in the general behavior or specific conditions?