Which of these are independent clauses? Select the two correct answers.


the upcoming holiday is on a Thursday

the water was flowing quickly

before the sun rose

after we go to the restaurant

even though she was sick

the upcoming holiday is on a Thursday

the water was flowing quickly

The two independent clauses are:

1. The upcoming holiday is on a Thursday.
2. The water was flowing quickly.

To determine which of the given options are independent clauses, we need to understand the concept of an independent clause first.

An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a complete sentence because it expresses a complete thought. It contains a subject and a predicate and does not rely on any other part of the sentence for its meaning.

Let's analyze each option:

1. "The upcoming holiday is on a Thursday." - This sentence has a subject ("the upcoming holiday") and a predicate ("is on a Thursday"). It expresses a complete thought, so it is an independent clause.

2. "The water was flowing quickly." - Similarly, this sentence has a subject ("the water") and a predicate ("was flowing quickly"). It expresses a complete thought, so it is also an independent clause.

3. "Before the sun rose." - This phrase does not have a subject and a predicate by itself; it is a dependent clause or a prepositional phrase. It requires additional information to form a complete thought. Therefore, it is not an independent clause.

4. "After we go to the restaurant." - Similar to the previous option, this phrase does not have a subject and a predicate. It is also a dependent clause or a subordinate clause that requires more information to form a complete thought. Hence, it is not an independent clause.

5. "Even though she was sick." - Like the two previous options, this phrase lacks a subject and a predicate by itself. It is a dependent clause that relies on other information to form a complete thought. Therefore, it is not an independent clause.

Based on the analysis, the two options that are independent clauses are:
- "The upcoming holiday is on a Thursday."
- "The water was flowing quickly."