Why do you think it is necessary to identify your values when using the DECIDE Process to make

an important decision?
(1 point)
It ensures that you only consider one action with positive
It helps you determine long-term goals that correspond with
your beliefs.
It proves your health and safety are more important than
anything or anyone else.
Your decisions do not have to match your values in order to
also be good choices

The correct answer is: It helps you determine long-term goals that correspond with your beliefs.

Identifying your values is an essential part of the decision-making process because your values serve as a guidepost for your actions and goals. Your values reflect what is important to you, what you believe in, and what you prioritize in life. When making an important decision, aligning your choices with your values ensures that you are working towards outcomes that are in line with your beliefs and long-term goals.

The correct answer is:

It helps you determine long-term goals that correspond with your beliefs.

Identifying your values is necessary when using the DECIDE Process to make an important decision because it helps you determine long-term goals that correspond with your beliefs. Values are our guiding principles and help us prioritize what is most important to us. By aligning our decisions with our values, we ensure that we are making choices that are in line with our beliefs and will lead to our desired outcomes.

When using the DECIDE Process to make an important decision, it is necessary to identify your values because it helps you determine long-term goals that correspond with your beliefs. By understanding your values, you can align your decisions with what is truly meaningful to you.

Identifying your values also ensures that you only consider one action with positive consequences. When you are aware of your values, you can evaluate each option based on how closely it aligns with those values, and choose the one that is most likely to have positive outcomes.

Furthermore, knowing your values helps you prioritize your health and safety above anything or anyone else. By considering your values, you are more likely to make choices that prioritize your well-being and ensure that your decisions are in line with what truly matters to you.

It is important to note that your decisions do not have to match your values in order to be good choices. However, it is valuable to consider your values and ensure that your decisions align with what is important to you, as this can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life.