If meat costs R74,00 per 1,5 kg what is the cost per gram (to the nearest cent)

To calculate the cost per gram, we need to convert 1.5 kg to grams.

1 kilogram is equal to 1000 grams. So, 1.5 kg is equal to 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 grams.

Now, we can calculate the cost per gram.

Total cost of 1.5 kg meat = R74.00
Cost per gram = Total cost / Total grams
Cost per gram = R74.00 / 1500 grams

Using a calculator, we find that the cost per gram is approximately R0.049.

To find the cost per gram, we need to first convert the mass of meat from kilograms to grams.

1 kilogram = 1000 grams

So, 1.5 kilograms = 1.5 x 1000 = 1500 grams.

Now, we can find the cost per gram by dividing the cost by the mass in grams.

Cost per gram = Cost / Mass

Cost per gram = R74.00 / 1500 grams

To find the cost per gram to the nearest cent, we can round the result to two decimal places.

Cost per gram = R74.00 / 1500 grams = R0.049333333...

Rounded to two decimal places, the cost per gram is approximately R0.05.

To find the cost per gram, we need to convert the given price of R74.00 per 1.5 kg to a price per gram.

Step 1: Convert kilograms to grams. Since there are 1000 grams in 1 kilogram, we multiply 1.5 kg by 1000 to get 1500 grams.

Step 2: Divide the cost (R74.00) by the number of grams (1500) to find the cost per gram.

Cost per gram = R74.00 / 1500 grams

Now, let's calculate it:

Cost per gram = 0.049333... (rounded to 6 decimal places)

To the nearest cent, the cost per gram is R0.05.