If you were out riding bicycles with your friends, what would be a risk factor? (1 point) Responses leaving your helmet at home leaving your helmet at home letting your family know where you will be letting your family know where you will be being in a large group of people being in a large group of people coming home before dark

leaving your helmet at home

Leaving your helmet at home would be a risk factor because helmets provide protection for your head in case of accidents or falls.

The risk factor in this scenario would be "leaving your helmet at home." Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is an important safety measure that helps protect your head in case of an accident or collision. To determine the correct answer in this multiple-choice question, you need to evaluate each option and consider which one presents the most significant risk. In this case, not wearing a helmet poses a higher risk compared to the other options mentioned. Wearing your helmet is essential to ensure your safety while riding a bicycle.