in which sentence does the subject agree with the verb

There are several sentences where the subject agrees with the verb. Here are a few examples:

1. She studies every day.
2. The dogs bark loudly.
3. They write letters to their friends.
4. He enjoys playing video games.
5. The children play outside.
6. I am going to the store.

In all of these sentences, the subject and verb agree in terms of number and person.

To determine which sentence has subject-verb agreement, we need specific sentences to analyze. Please provide the sentences you would like me to analyze.

To determine the sentence in which the subject agrees with the verb, we need to analyze each sentence and identify the correct subject-verb agreement. Subject-verb agreement means that the subject and the verb of a sentence must agree in terms of their number (singular or plural).

Let's consider the following sentences:

1) The cat jumps on the bed.
2) The cats jump on the bed.
3) The dog runs in the park.
4) The dogs run in the park.

In sentence 1, the subject "cat" is singular, and the verb "jumps" is also singular, resulting in subject-verb agreement.

In sentence 2, the subject "cats" is plural, and the verb "jump" is also plural, resulting in subject-verb agreement.

In sentence 3, the subject "dog" is singular, and the verb "runs" is also singular, resulting in subject-verb agreement.

In sentence 4, the subject "dogs" is plural, and the verb "run" is also plural, resulting in subject-verb agreement.

Therefore, the sentences where the subject agrees with the verb are:

1) The cat jumps on the bed.
2) The cats jump on the bed.
3) The dog runs in the park.
4) The dogs run in the park.