Benny's Bagels budgets meal costs to account for 58% and entertainment costs to account for 22% of total costs. What is the ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs?

The ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs can be calculated by dividing the percentage allocated to meal costs by the percentage allocated to entertainment costs.

Meal costs / Entertainment costs = 58% / 22%

Simplifying the ratio, we have:

Meal costs / Entertainment costs = 2.6363636...

Rounded to the nearest whole number, the ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs is approximately:

Meal costs / Entertainment costs = 3:1


The simplified ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs is 29:11.

To find the ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs, we need to divide the percentage allocated to meal costs by the percentage allocated to entertainment costs.

The percentage allocated to meal costs is 58% and the percentage allocated to entertainment costs is 22%.

Ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs = 58% / 22%

To simplify the ratio, we can convert both percentages to fractions.

58% can be written as 58/100 and 22% can be written as 22/100.

Ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs = (58/100) / (22/100)

Simplifying this expression, we can cancel out the common factor of 100:

Ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs = 58/22

Therefore, the ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs is 58/22, which simplifies to 29/11.

To find the ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs, we need to divide the percentage allocated to meal costs by the percentage allocated to entertainment costs.

1. Start by converting the percentages to decimal form.
Meal cost percentage = 58% = 0.58
Entertainment cost percentage = 22% = 0.22

2. Divide the meal cost percentage by the entertainment cost percentage:
Ratio = Meal cost percentage / Entertainment cost percentage
= 0.58 / 0.22

3. Calculate the ratio:
Ratio = 2.63636363636...

Therefore, the ratio of meal costs to entertainment costs is approximately 2.63636363636... or simplified as 2.64 when rounded to two decimal places.