Ethan Cord is a very good gun fighter

What are some facts about him?

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Unfortunately, I couldn't find any specific information about a person named Ethan Cord being a well-known gunfighter. It is possible that Ethan Cord is a fictional character or a relatively unknown individual. Without further context or details, it is difficult to provide any specific facts about him.

To gather facts about Ethan Cord, a very good gunfighter, you can follow these steps:

1. Conduct an online search: Start by searching for "Ethan Cord gunfighter" or "famous gunfighters named Ethan Cord" on search engines like Google. This will help you find any available information about him.

2. Explore online databases: Look for databases or websites that catalog gunfighters, cowboys, or Wild West legends. These resources might have information on Ethan Cord, including his background, accomplishments, or notable events involving him.

3. Check historical records: Dig into historical records related to the Wild West era, such as newspapers, books, or journals. These sources may provide first-hand accounts or any documented information about Ethan Cord.

4. Engage with firearm enthusiasts or historians: Join online forums or discussion groups dedicated to firearms or Wild West history. Engaging with knowledgeable individuals in these communities can help you obtain insights or anecdotes about famous gunfighters like Ethan Cord.

5. Consider fictional portrayals: If you are unable to find information about a real person named Ethan Cord, it's possible that he might be a fictional character. Research books, movies, or TV shows set in the Wild West genre to see if Ethan Cord appears as a character in any of these works.

Remember, the name Ethan Cord might not be associated with a well-known gunfighter, and it's crucial to verify the credibility and authenticity of the sources to ensure the accuracy of the information you find.