James can type 40 words in 20 seconds. How many words can James type in 30 seconds?

If James can type 40 words in 20 seconds, his typing rate is 40 words/20 seconds = <<40/20=2>>2 words/second.

Therefore, he can type 2 words/second * 30 seconds = <<2*30=60>>60 words in 30 seconds. Answer: \boxed{60}.

To find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds, we can set up a proportion:

Words typed / Time taken = Words per second

We know that James can type 40 words in 20 seconds, so we can use that information to find his words per second rate.

40 words / 20 seconds = 2 words per second

Now, we can use this rate to find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds.

2 words per second x 30 seconds = 60 words

Therefore, James can type 60 words in 30 seconds.

To find out how many words James can type in 30 seconds, we first need to determine his typing speed in words per second. We can do this by dividing the number of words he can type in 20 seconds by 20.

So, James types 40 words in 20 seconds. To find his typing speed, we divide 40 by 20.

40 words / 20 seconds = 2 words per second

Now that we know James types 2 words per second, we can find out how many words he can type in 30 seconds by multiplying his typing speed by 30.

2 words/second * 30 seconds = 60 words

Therefore, James can type 60 words in 30 seconds.