The total distance from Jackson, Wyoming to Glacier National Park is 525 miles. If they round 525 miles to the nearest ten, about how many miles should they plan to travel?

525 miles rounded to the nearest ten is 530 miles. Thus, they should plan to travel about 530 miles.

Next, Erika and Nadia added Banff, Jasper, and Olympic National Parks to their itinerary for a total of 1,600 miles. Which of the following numbers round to 1,600 when rounded to the nearest hundred?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, we consider the tens digit.

- 1,600
- 1,650
- 1,700
- 1,550

From the given options, 1,650 rounds to 1,600 when rounded to the nearest hundred.


wich on of these is the answer to 649
Next, Erika and Nadia added Banff, Jasper, and Olympic National Parks to their itinerary for a total of 1,600 miles. Which of the following numbers round to 1,600 when rounded to the nearest hundred?

To round a number to the nearest hundred, we consider the tens digit.

- 1,649: When rounded to the nearest hundred, it becomes 1,600
- 1,651: When rounded to the nearest hundred, it becomes 1,700
- 1,663: When rounded to the nearest hundred, it becomes 1,700
- 1,637: When rounded to the nearest hundred, it becomes 1,600
- 1,674: When rounded to the nearest hundred, it becomes 1,700

From the given options, 1,649 and 1,637 round to 1,600 when rounded to the nearest hundred.

out of those to wich is the best one to pick

If you are looking for a number that is closest to 1,600 when rounded to the nearest hundred, the best option would be 1,637, as it is only 37 away from 1,600.

Next, Erika and Nadia want to travel to Crater Lake, Yosemite, Death Valley, and Joshua Tree National Parks, bringing their total mileage to nearly 3,000 miles! When rounding to the nearest thousand, what is the smallest whole number that rounds to 3,000?

To round a number to the nearest thousand, we consider the hundreds digit.

The hundreds digit of 3,000 is 0.

The smallest whole number that rounds to 3,000 when rounded to the nearest thousand is 2,500.

In the grand finale of the trip, Erika and Nadia plan to see Grand Canyon, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, and Rocky Mountain National Parks before returning home. They estimated each leg of their trip to the hundreds place. Then, they rounded the total sum of the mileage to the thousands place.

Erika thinks the sum is closer to 4,000. She used the estimations shown in the image above to support her reasoning. Is her reasoning correct in every step? Why or why not?
wich of these
Her reasoning is correct because the sum of 4,400 miles is closer to 4,000 than 5,000.

Her reasoning is incorrect because she rounded 1,106 miles to 1,000 instead of 1,100. The sum should be 4,500 miles, which is closer to 5,000 than 4,000.

Her reasoning is incorrect because she rounded 1,751 miles to 1,700 instead of 1,800. The sum should be 4,500 miles, which is closer to 5,000 than 4,000.

Her reasoning is incorrect because she rounded 1,106 and 1,751 incorrectly. The sum should be 4,600 miles, which is closer to 5,000 than 4,000. are the answers