which of the following best help a company mve toward achieving its vision and mission

corporate social responsability
activist investors
goals and objectives
competitors and stakeholders

All of the options mentioned can potentially help a company move towards achieving its vision and mission, but the extent to which each option is beneficial may vary depending on the specific circumstances of the company.

1. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can serve as a powerful tool for a company to align its actions with its vision and mission. By integrating social and environmental considerations into their business strategies, companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, ethical practices, and stakeholder well-being. CSR initiatives can enhance the company's reputation, attract loyal customers, and build positive relationships with various stakeholders.

2. Activist investors can also play a role in shaping a company's direction. Activist investors are typically shareholders who actively engage with the company's management to advocate for specific changes, such as environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, or improved governance practices. Their actions can pressure the company to align its operations and strategies with the vision and mission that the investors believe will unlock long-term value.

3. Goals and objectives are essential for any company as they provide a clear roadmap towards achieving the vision and mission. By setting specific and measurable goals, companies can guide their actions and allocate resources effectively. These goals and objectives should align with the vision and mission, serving as stepping stones towards their realization.

4. Competitors and stakeholders can also have an impact on a company's ability to achieve its vision and mission. Competitors can push the company to innovate and differentiate itself in the market, ultimately helping it move towards its desired position. Meanwhile, stakeholders such as employees, customers, suppliers, and partners can provide valuable insights, support, and collaboration opportunities that can enhance the company's ability to achieve its goals.

In conclusion, all of the options mentioned can contribute to a company's journey towards achieving its vision and mission. However, the exact mix and emphasis on each option may vary for each company based on its specific context and circumstances.

All of the options listed can contribute to a company moving towards achieving its vision and mission, but in different ways. Let's break down each option step-by-step:

1. Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to a company's efforts to operate ethically and contribute positively to society. By implementing CSR initiatives, a company demonstrates its commitment to social and environmental issues, which can enhance its reputation, attract customers, and align with its vision and mission.

2. Activist Investors: Activist investors are individuals or groups that buy shares in a company with the intention of influencing its management and operations. While their primary goal may not be in line with a company's vision and mission, their actions can push the company to reassess its strategies and make changes that align better with its stated goals.

3. Goals and Objectives: Setting clear and specific goals and objectives is essential for any company. These targets provide direction and allow the organization to measure its progress toward its vision and mission. By regularly evaluating and adjusting goals and objectives, a company can stay focused and continuously strive towards its desired outcomes.

4. Competitors and Stakeholders: Competitors and stakeholders play a crucial role in shaping a company's direction. By analyzing competitors' strategies, a company can identify areas of improvement and develop unique selling points that differentiate it in the market. Additionally, considering the needs and opinions of stakeholders, such as customers, employees, and community members, helps align the company's vision and mission with their expectations and needs.

In summary, all of the options listed can contribute to a company's journey towards achieving its vision and mission. Corporate social responsibility, activist investors, goals and objectives, and competitors and stakeholders each provide unique perspectives and opportunities for a company to grow and align with its stated objectives.

To determine which of the following best helps a company move toward achieving its vision and mission -- corporate social responsibility, activist investors, goals and objectives, or competitors and stakeholders -- one must first understand each concept.

1. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): This refers to a company's commitment to conducting business in an ethical and sustainable manner while considering societal and environmental factors. CSR initiatives can include philanthropy, community development, ethical sourcing, environmental sustainability, and more.

2. Activist Investors: These are individuals or groups who acquire a significant ownership stake in a company with the intention of affecting change or influencing corporate decisions. Activist investors typically advocate for changes related to governance, strategy, or financial performance to enhance shareholder value.

3. Goals and Objectives: These are specific targets or milestones that a company sets to achieve its vision and mission. Goals are broad, long-term aspirations, while objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) steps that contribute to the attainment of goals.

4. Competitors and Stakeholders: Competitors are other businesses operating in the same market or industry, vying for customers and market share. Stakeholders encompass individuals or entities that have an interest or influence in the company, such as employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, and the community.

To determine which option best helps a company achieve its vision and mission, it is crucial to consider the company's unique situation and context. In general, all the options listed can play a role, but their impact may vary depending on the company's goals, industry, and stakeholders.

Corporate social responsibility can enhance a company's reputation, credibility, and brand loyalty, positively impacting its long-term success. Activist investors, on the other hand, can spur changes that align with a company's strategic vision and mission, but their influence may be limited to larger companies with publicly traded stock. Goals and objectives provide a roadmap for progress and focus efforts toward desired outcomes. Competitors and stakeholders help companies understand market dynamics, customer needs, and industry trends, enabling them to adapt and innovate.

Ultimately, a combination of these factors is likely necessary for a company to move toward achieving its vision and mission. It is crucial for companies to assess their individual circumstances, prioritize their resources, and balance the interests of various stakeholders to make informed strategic decisions.