Short Answer: Congress had passed the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 to protect American manufacturers from competition with cheap British imported goods. Southerners believed that the tariff was purposely passed to hurt southern plantation owners and would only benefit northern industrialists. What event did this cause?

This caused the Nullification Crisis.

Short Answer: Congress had passed the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 to protect American manufacturers from competition with cheap British imported goods. Southerners believed that the tariff was purposely passed to hurt southern plantation owners and would only benefit northern industrialists. What event did this cause?

This caused the Nullification Crisis, which was a major dispute between the federal government and the state of South Carolina over the legality of the tariffs and the concept of states' rights. South Carolina threatened to nullify or ignore the tariffs, leading to a tense standoff that was eventually resolved through a compromise.

The event caused by the passage of the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 and the belief among Southerners that it was intended to harm them was the Nullification Crisis.

The event this caused is known as the Nullification Crisis. The passing of the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 led to significant opposition in the southern states, particularly in South Carolina. Southerners believed that these tariffs unfairly burdened their agrarian economy and favored the industrialized North. Consequently, South Carolina passed the Nullification act in 1832, which declared that the tariffs were null and void and could not be enforced within the state. This defiance of federal law led to a standoff between South Carolina and the national government, ultimately intensifying the debate over states' rights versus federal authority. The Nullification Crisis showcased the deep ideological and economic divisions between the North and the South and was a significant event leading up to the Civil War.

To find this information, one can research the historical context of the Tariffs of 1828 and 1832 and their impact on the southern states. Reading about the Nullification Crisis would provide more detailed insights into the events that transpired during this period. Additionally, analyzing the viewpoints of southern politicians and their arguments against the tariffs would shed light on the motivations behind the crisis.