which of the following is equivilent to a subroutine depending on the programming language


A function is equivalent to a subroutine in most programming languages. Both subroutines and functions are used to perform a specific task or set of operations within a program. However, the term "subroutine" is more commonly associated with older programming languages, while "function" is the more widely used term in modern programming languages.

An accessor, on the other hand, is different from a subroutine or function. An accessor is a type of function that is specifically used to retrieve or access the value of a data member or object property in object-oriented programming languages. Accessors are used to provide controlled and consistent access to data within an object.

The term "subroutine" is typically used in languages such as Fortran and Assembly. In most modern programming languages, the equivalent term to a subroutine would be a "function." Functions allow you to encapsulate a block of code that can be called from different parts of your program, just like subroutines. So, the equivalent term to a subroutine in most programming languages is a function.

On the other hand, an "accessor" is a different concept in programming languages. It is a method or function that allows you to access the value of a private variable or attribute of a class or object. Accessors are used to enforce encapsulation and control how variables are accessed and modified in object-oriented programming.

To determine which of the following options—model, function, or accessor—is equivalent to a subroutine depending on the programming language, we need to understand the definitions of each term.

1. Model: In programming, a model refers to a representation or abstraction of an object, system, or concept. It is typically used to simulate or describe real-world entities. Models are not directly equivalent to subroutines, as they serve a different purpose.

2. Function: A function in programming is a named sequence of instructions that performs a specific task and returns a value. Functions can be reusable, which means they can be called multiple times throughout a program. Subroutines and functions are generally considered synonymous, so a function can be equivalent to a subroutine.

3. Accessor: An accessor, also known as a getter or accessor method, is a type of subroutine used in object-oriented programming languages. It is used to retrieve the values of an object's attributes or properties. Accessors are typically associated with object-oriented concepts like encapsulation and information hiding. While accessors can be considered a type of subroutine, they are more specific in their purpose compared to a general subroutine or function.

Therefore, the correct answer is: function.