You are playing a new video game. it says you have completed 1/5 of the game. You have played for 23 minutes. How long will it take to complete your video game at this rate.

To find out how long it will take to complete the video game at this rate, we can set up a proportion.

If 1/5 of the game is completed in 23 minutes, then the whole game will take (5 * 23) minutes to complete.

5 * 23 = 115

Thus, it will take 115 minutes to complete the video game at this rate.

To find out how long it will take to complete the video game at this rate, we can set up a proportion:

1/5 = 23 minutes / x (unknown time)

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

1 * x = 5 * 23

x = 115 minutes

Therefore, it will take approximately 115 minutes to complete the video game at this rate.

To determine how long it will take to complete the video game at the current rate, we first need to calculate the game's completion time per unit.

Currently, you have completed 1/5 of the game, which means you have 4/5 left to complete. Since 1/5 represents 23 minutes of gameplay, we can divide the total time by the fraction of the game completed to find the completion time per unit.

23 minutes / 1/5 = 23 minutes * 5/1 = 115 minutes

So, the completion time per unit is 115 minutes.

Since you have 4/5 of the game left to complete, you can now multiply the completion time per unit by the remaining fraction to find the estimated total completion time.

115 minutes * 4/5 = 92 minutes

Therefore, it will take approximately 92 minutes to complete the video game at the current rate.