Who was responsible for writing the amendments that later became the Bill of Rights?

James Madison

Patrick Henry

George Mason

George Washington

James Madison.

What was the importance of the inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution?

It created a separation of powers of the government.

It improved U.S. relations with the British monarchy.

It proposed a system of checks and balances.

It guaranteed the protection of basic rights.

It guaranteed the protection of basic rights.

James Madison was responsible for writing the amendments that later became the Bill of Rights.

The correct answer is James Madison. To find the answer, you can start by searching the internet for information about the authors of the Bill of Rights. You can also consult reliable history books that discuss the formation of the United States Constitution and the subsequent additions of the amendments. James Madison is widely credited as the primary author of the amendments that ultimately became the Bill of Rights. He proposed the amendments to Congress in 1789 and played a crucial role in ensuring their adoption.