Which word in this sentence is an adverb? The children always seem to be hungry!

The adverb in this sentence is "always."

Fill in the blanks using the past perfect verb tense to complete the sentence so it makes sense. He ___ ____ his breakfast.


He had eaten his breakfast.

Give 2 words that use the same letters to make the R-controlled vowel sound as in the word garden.

1. Danger

2. Ranger

Use the word "emitted" from "The Long Night" in a sentence to show you know the meaning of the word.

The sensor detected a high level of radiation emitted from the damaged nuclear reactor.

What evidence in the story "The Long Night" supports the idea that the story takes place in the future?

Without specific information or context about the story "The Long Night," I cannot provide evidence to support the idea that it takes place in the future. Could you please provide more details or clarify the specific elements or events in the story that suggest a future setting? This would allow me to provide a more accurate response.

To identify the adverb in the given sentence, you need to understand the role of an adverb. An adverb is a word that modifies or describes a verb, adjective, or another adverb. It often tells us more about the manner, place, time, frequency, degree, or certainty of an action or state.

In the sentence "The children always seem to be hungry!", the word "always" is the adverb. It modifies the verb "seem" by indicating that the children are hungry at all times or on every occasion. This adverb gives us information about the frequency of the action.

To identify the adverb, you can ask yourself: What word is describing or modifying the verb "seem"? In this case, "always" provides additional information about the action of seeming.