Which of the following describes a chemical reaction? (1 point)


pure substances on the right side of a chemical equation
pure substances on the right side of a chemical equation

pure substances reacting to form non-pure substances
pure substances reacting to form non-pure substances

pure substances on the left side of a chemical equation
pure substances on the left side of a chemical equation

pure substances reacting to form different pure substances

pure substances reacting to form different pure substances

The correct response is "pure substances reacting to form different pure substances."

The correct answer is "pure substances reacting to form different pure substances."

To determine this, let's break down each option and analyze them:

1. "Pure substances on the right side of a chemical equation":
In a chemical equation, the reactants are typically written on the left side of the arrow, while the products are written on the right side. However, the presence of pure substances on the right side alone doesn't necessarily indicate a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions involve the transformation of reactants into products, and these products can be pure substances or mixtures.

2. "Pure substances reacting to form non-pure substances":
This option is incorrect. Chemical reactions involve the rearrangement of atoms and bonds between them, resulting in the formation of new substances. While the reactants may be pure substances, the products can also be pure substances or mixtures. Hence, the idea of forming non-pure substances doesn't align with the definition of a chemical reaction.

3. "Pure substances on the left side of a chemical equation":
Similar to the first option, the presence of pure substances on the left side alone doesn't necessarily describe a chemical reaction. Reactants can be pure substances, but it's the transformation into different substances during the reaction that characterizes a chemical reaction.

4. "Pure substances reacting to form different pure substances":
This is the correct option. Chemical reactions involve the reaction of pure substances where the reactants undergo chemical changes and transform into different substances. These products can also be pure substances. The key is that the composition and properties of the reactants change during the reaction.

Therefore, the correct answer is "pure substances reacting to form different pure substances."