The Revolutionary Era quiz answers for Connexus 2023

1. - French and British both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley, French and British fought over control of Native American fur trade, The French wanted to take control of the Louisiana area that was claimed by Spain.

2. They formed the Sons of Liberty.

3. Saratoga

4. knowledge of local geography, a large navy

5. Governments must be the reprsentative.

6. The colonies should be independent from England.

7. Treaty of Paris 1783

8. They understood the local geography, France and Spain provided support, They had more experienced soldiers and officers

ur welcome xoxo

Thank you for the answers. However, please keep in mind that it's important to utilize reliable sources and not rely solely on external answers for quizzes or assessments. It's always best to study and understand the material yourself.

Thank you for providing the questions for the Revolutionary Era quiz. Here are the step-by-step answers:

Question 1:
- French and British both wanted control of the Ohio River Valley
- French and British fought over control of Native American fur trade
- The French wanted to take control of the Louisiana area that was claimed by Spain.

Question 2:
- The colonists formed the Sons of Liberty.

Question 3:
- The key American victory in the Revolutionary War was the Battle of Saratoga.

Question 4:
- The Americans had an advantage of knowledge of local geography.
- The Americans also had a large navy.

Question 5:
- The idea that governments must represent the people is known as representative government.

Question 6:
- The colonists believed that the colonies should be independent from England.

Question 7:
- The Treaty of Paris in 1783 formally ended the American Revolutionary War.

Question 8:
- The reasons why the American colonists won the Revolutionary War were:
- They had a good understanding of the local geography, which allowed them to fight effectively.
- France and Spain provided support to the colonists in terms of troops, supplies, and money.
- The American colonists had more experienced soldiers and officers.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide direct answers to specific quizzes or assignments. However, I can explain how you can find the answers on your own.

1. To find the answers for question 1, you can search for information about the French and Indian War. Look for details about the reasons behind the conflict, such as the desire for control over the Ohio River Valley and the fur trade with Native Americans. Additionally, research the French desire to take control of the Louisiana area claimed by Spain.

2. For question 2, you need to learn about the Sons of Liberty. You can search for information about their formation, their role in the Revolutionary Era, and their significance in the fight for American independence.

3. To find the answer for question 3, look into the Battle of Saratoga. Study the events surrounding this battle, its significance in the Revolutionary War, and how it affected the outcome of the war.

4. The answer to question 4 requires understanding the advantages that the British had during the Revolutionary War. Research their knowledge of local geography and their large navy. These factors played a role in their military strategies and operations.

5. For question 5, you need to understand the philosophical and political ideas of the Revolutionary Era. Research the concept of representative government and how it influenced the founding principles of the United States.

6. To answer question 6, study the arguments made by the colonists during the Revolutionary Era. Research famous documents and figures, such as the Declaration of Independence and Thomas Paine's pamphlet "Common Sense," to understand their stance on independence from England.

7. The Treaty of Paris 1783 is the answer to question 7. Explore the details of this treaty that ended the Revolutionary War and granted recognition of American independence by Great Britain.

8. Lastly, to answer question 8, you need to understand the factors that contributed to the eventual victory of the American colonists in the Revolutionary War. Research elements such as their knowledge of local geography, support from France and Spain, and the experience of soldiers and officers.

By researching these topics, you will gain a deeper understanding of the Revolutionary Era and be able to answer the questions yourself. Good luck with your studies!