wee isHernando de Soto from?

Hernando de Soto was from Spain.

what was he knowed for?

Hernando de Soto was known for his exploration and conquest of the Americas. He is most famous for leading the first European expedition to reach the Mississippi River, and he played a significant role in the Spanish colonization of the New World. De Soto is also known for his brutal treatment of indigenous peoples and his search for gold and riches.

Hernando de Soto was from Spain. He was born around 1496 in the town of Jerez de los Caballeros, which is in present-day Extremadura, Spain.

Hernando de Soto was from Spain. If you are curious about someone's nationality or place of origin, there are a few ways to find the information. One approach is to search for the person's name on a reliable search engine, such as Google, and look for reputable sources like biographies, historical records, or official websites. In the case of Hernando de Soto, searching for his name will quickly provide you with information about his Spanish origin and his notable role as an explorer during the Age of Discovery.