how find the maximum and the minimum numbers from 10 given numbers in a flowchart?

To find the maximum and minimum numbers from 10 given numbers in a flowchart, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart.

2. Initialize two variables, max and min, to store the maximum and minimum numbers respectively. Set them both to the first given number.

3. Read the first given number and assign it to a variable, num.

4. Compare num with max and min:
a. If num is greater than max, update max with the value of num.
b. If num is less than min, update min with the value of num.

5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the remaining 9 given numbers.

6. After comparing all the numbers, the maximum number will be stored in the variable max and the minimum number will be stored in the variable min.

7. Display the values of max and min.

8. End the flowchart.

Here is a flowchart representation of the above steps to find the maximum and minimum numbers from 10 given numbers:

Start --> Initialize max and min to first given number --> Read first given number and assign it to num --> Compare num with max and min --> Update max and min if necessary --> Repeat for remaining 9 given numbers --> Display max and min --> End

To find the maximum and minimum numbers from 10 given numbers using a flowchart, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the flowchart.
2. Initialize two variables, max and min, with the first number from the input.
3. Read the first number from the input and store it in a variable.
4. Compare this number with the current max value. If it is greater than the max value, update the max variable with this number.
5. Compare this number with the current min value. If it is smaller than the min value, update the min variable with this number.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 for the remaining 9 numbers.
7. Output the maximum and minimum values.
8. Stop the flowchart.

Here is a flowchart representation of the above steps:

|---[Initialize max and min with first number]
Read first number
max = first number
min = first number
Read next number
|---[Compare with max]
|---[Compare with min]
If number > max If number < min
| |
|---[Update max] |---[Update min]
| |
Continue reading Continue reading
numbers numbers
Output max and min


Note: This flowchart assumes that you have access to the input numbers and will be reading them one by one.

To find the maximum and minimum numbers from 10 given numbers in a flowchart, you can follow the steps below:

1. Start the flowchart.
2. Initialize two variables, let's call them "max" and "min", with the first number in the list.
3. Compare the next number in the list with the current "max" value:
- If the next number is greater than the current "max", update the value of "max" with the next number.
- If the next number is smaller than the current "min", update the value of "min" with the next number.
4. Repeat step 3 for each subsequent number in the list until you have compared all 10 numbers.
5. Once all the numbers have been compared, you will have the maximum value stored in the "max" variable and the minimum value stored in the "min" variable.
6. End the flowchart.

Here is an example of a basic flowchart for finding the maximum and minimum numbers from 10 given numbers:

| Start |
| |
v |
+--------+ +-----------------------+ |
| Initialize:| | Initialize: max = 0 | |
| max = 0 | | min = infinity | |
+--------+ +-----------------------+ |
| |
v |
| Compare: num1 > max? |
| If true: max = num1 |
| Compare: num1 < min? |
| If true: min = num1 |
| |
| Repeat the above steps for numbers num2 to num10. |
| |
| |
v |
+--------+ +-----------------------+ |
| Output: | | Print: max, min | |
| max, min | +-----------------------+ |
+--------+ | |
v |
| End |

In this flowchart, you start by initializing "max" with 0, assuming all given numbers would be positive. And "min" is initialized with infinity, assuming all given numbers would be lesser than infinity.