What is the carrying capacity in cubic yards of a box car that is 55‘ x 12‘ x 18‘

To calculate the carrying capacity in cubic yards of a boxcar, you need to multiply its dimensions together.

55 ft × 12 ft × 18 ft = 11,880 cubic feet

Since there are 27 cubic feet in a cubic yard, divide 11,880 by 27:

11,880 cubic feet ÷ 27 cubic feet per yard = 440 cubic yards

Therefore, the carrying capacity of the boxcar is approximately 440 cubic yards.

To find the carrying capacity of the box car in cubic yards, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the dimensions from feet to yards.
- Length: 55 feet ÷ 3 = 18.33 yards (rounded to two decimal places)
- Width: 12 feet ÷ 3 = 4 yards
- Height: 18 feet ÷ 3 = 6 yards

Step 2: Multiply the three dimensions to find the volume of the box car in cubic yards.
- Volume = Length x Width x Height
- Volume = 18.33 yards x 4 yards x 6 yards = 440 cubic yards (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Thus, the carrying capacity in cubic yards of the box car is 440 cubic yards.

To determine the carrying capacity of a box car, we need to calculate the volume of the space inside the car.

The formula for calculating the volume of a rectangular box is:

Volume = Length x Width x Height

In this case, the length of the box car is 55 feet, the width is 12 feet, and the height is 18 feet. However, we need to convert these measurements from feet to yards since we are looking for the carrying capacity in cubic yards.

To convert feet to yards, divide by 3 since there are 3 feet in a yard:

Length (in yards) = 55 feet / 3
Width (in yards) = 12 feet / 3
Height (in yards) = 18 feet / 3

Now, we can substitute these values into the volume formula:

Volume = (Length in yards) x (Width in yards) x (Height in yards)

After calculating the volume, we will have the carrying capacity of the box car in cubic yards.