How does the appearance of spiral galaxies vary? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

Some are more elongated in shape than others.
Some are more elongated in shape than others.

They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.
They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.

Some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not.
Some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not.

They vary in the brightness of stars located on their arms.

Some have a band of stars and materials through their middle, but others do not.

They vary in the brightness of stars located on their arms.

The correct answers are:

1. Some are more elongated in shape than others.
2. They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.

Explanation: Spiral galaxies can have different shapes and configurations. Some may appear more elongated in shape compared to others. Additionally, the arms of spiral galaxies can vary in how tightly they are wound, giving them different appearances.

The correct answers are:

1. Some are more elongated in shape than others.
2. They vary in how tightly their arms are wound.

To determine the appearance of spiral galaxies, astronomers observe and analyze various characteristics. One way to differentiate spiral galaxies is by their shape. Some may appear more elongated or flattened, while others may have a rounder or more circular shape. This variation in shape is one aspect of the appearance of spiral galaxies.

Additionally, spiral galaxies have arms, which are long, curving structures extending from their central bulge. The tightness or looseness of these arms varies among different spiral galaxies. Some galaxies may have tightly wound, well-defined arms, while others may have more loosely wound, less distinct arms. This is another aspect that contributes to the variation in the appearance of spiral galaxies.

Therefore, the correct answers are that spiral galaxies can vary in their elongation and in the tightness of their arms.