Which sentence has the correct subject verb agreement marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thought and help readers make connections to what they read marking up the text during reading are necessary for critical thought and help readers make connections to what they read marking up the text during reading are necessary for critical thoughts and helps readers make connections to what they read marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thoughts and helps readers make connections to what they read

The correct sentence is: "Marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thought and helps readers make connections to what they read."

The correct sentence is:

"Marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thought and helps readers make connections to what they read."

The sentence that has the correct subject-verb agreement is:

"Marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thought and helps readers make connections to what they read."

To determine the correct subject-verb agreement in this sentence, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence: The subject is "Marking up the text during reading."

2. Determine the number of the subject: The subject is singular because "Marking up the text during reading" is treated as a single action or concept.

3. Choose the correct verb form: Since the subject is singular, the verb should also be in the singular form. Therefore, "is" is the correct verb form.

4. Ensure that the verb agrees with the subject: "Marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thought." Here, the verb "is" agrees with the singular subject "Marking up the text during reading."

5. Include the additional verb that follows: "And helps readers make connections to what they read." The verb "helps" is in agreement with the singular subject "Marking up the text during reading."

Therefore, the correct sentence with the appropriate subject-verb agreement is: "Marking up the text during reading is necessary for critical thought and helps readers make connections to what they read."