Which statements are correct concerning the evolution model:

all life on earth developed from nonliving matter of natural unknown processes
incorporates higher order life forms which parallel each other
only a few simple life forms give rise to new kinds of life which will increase in complexity
each lower life form can be traced back only to the life form corresponding to a basic kind

The statements that are correct concerning the evolution model are:

each lower life form can be traced back only to the life form corresponding to a basic kind
only a few simple life forms give rise to new kinds of life which will increase in complexity.

The correct statements concerning the evolution model are:

1. All life on Earth developed from nonliving matter through natural but unknown processes.
2. The evolution model incorporates higher order life forms that parallel each other, meaning different species can have similar features or traits.
3. Only a few simple life forms give rise to new kinds of life, which then increase in complexity over time.
4. Each lower life form can be traced back to a common ancestor corresponding to a basic kind, indicating a shared evolutionary history.

To determine which statements are correct concerning the evolution model, we can break down each statement and analyze it:

1. "All life on earth developed from nonliving matter of natural unknown processes."
This statement is a simplified summary of the theory of abiogenesis, which proposes that life originated from inanimate matter through natural, yet unknown, processes. It is important to note that while the theory suggests this possibility, it has not been definitively proven. Therefore, the statement is considered plausible but not confirmed.

2. "Incorporates higher order life forms which parallel each other."
This statement seems to refer to the concept of convergent evolution, where unrelated species evolve similar characteristics in response to similar environments or ecological niches. For example, the wings of bats, birds, and insects are similar in form and function despite their different evolutionary origins. Therefore, this statement is correct.

3. "Only a few simple life forms give rise to new kinds of life which will increase in complexity."
This statement aligns with the theory of common descent, which suggests that all organisms share a common ancestor. According to this theory, new species arise through gradual changes and diversification from simpler, ancestral forms. Therefore, this statement is correct.

4. "Each lower life form can be traced back only to the life form corresponding to a basic kind."
This statement appears to reflect the idea of branching descent, where organisms can be traced back to their respective ancestral lineages. By examining the fossil record, genetic evidence, and other means of studying species, scientists can establish relationships between organisms and determine their ancestral lineages. Therefore, this statement is correct.

In conclusion, statements 2, 3, and 4 are correct, while statement 1 is plausible but not confirmed.