Which of the following processes is the reason for cooperation among multiple countries regarding

natural resources?(1 point)
conflict in Southwest Asia
the resource curse
decreasing oil supply


The reason for cooperation among multiple countries regarding natural resources is primarily globalization.

The process that is the reason for cooperation among multiple countries regarding natural resources is globalization. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness and interdependence of countries around the world, leading to the exchange of goods, services, and resources. It has created a global market where countries are increasingly reliant on each other for various resources, including natural resources.

To understand why globalization promotes cooperation among multiple countries regarding natural resources, we can look at the concept of comparative advantage. Each country has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of resource availability and production capabilities. For example, some countries may have abundant reserves of oil, while others may have a comparative advantage in agricultural production.

Cooperation among countries allows for the efficient utilization of resources, as it enables countries to specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. This specialization allows for increased efficiency and maximizes global resource utilization. Additionally, cooperation can help to address issues such as resource scarcity, environmental concerns, and equitable distribution of resources.

Therefore, as countries become more interconnected through globalization, they recognize the benefits of cooperating and forming agreements to ensure the sustainable and fair use of natural resources.