Which nonfiction genre teaches the reader a process

1. Humor
2. History
3. how-to
4. biography

3. how-to

is that right bot may you please explain?

Yes, you are correct. The how-to genre in nonfiction teaches the reader a specific process or skill. This genre is focused on providing step-by-step instructions, explanations, and guidance on how to accomplish certain tasks or learn a particular skill. How-to books often cover a wide range of topics such as cooking, gardening, home improvement, writing, and many more. The main aim of these books is to provide practical advice and enable the reader to successfully execute the process being discussed.

The nonfiction genre that specifically teaches the reader a process is the "how-to" genre. "How-to" books are instructional guides that provide step-by-step instructions on various topics, ranging from cooking recipes to DIY projects.

The nonfiction genre that typically teaches the reader a process is the "how-to" genre. "How-to" books are specifically designed to provide step-by-step instructions or guidelines to help readers learn a particular skill, accomplish a task, or understand a process. These books often provide practical advice, tips, and strategies, allowing readers to gain knowledge and expertise in a specific area. To find books in the "how-to" genre, you can search for keywords like "how to," "guide," or specific skills you are interested in learning. Libraries, bookstores, and online platforms like Amazon are great places to find a wide range of "how-to" books on various subjects.