A student collected data about the distance a ball falls over time.

Which type of graph should she use to show the data?


bar graph
bar graph

circle graph
circle graph




The type of graph that the student should use to show the data is a scatterplot.

To determine which type of graph would be most suitable for showing the data about the distance a ball falls over time, let's analyze the options given: bar graph, circle graph, scatterplot, and histogram.

1. Bar Graph: A bar graph is typically used to compare categories or show discrete data. Since the data collected is about the distance a ball falls over time, it is not categorical data or discrete values, so a bar graph would not be the most appropriate choice.

2. Circle Graph (Pie Chart): A circle graph, also known as a pie chart, is used to represent parts of a whole. It shows the relationship between different categories as a percentage of the whole. Since the data collected pertains to the distance a ball falls over time, it does not involve different categories or parts of a whole. Therefore, a circle graph would not be the most suitable choice.

3. Scatterplot: A scatterplot is a graph that uses Cartesian coordinates to display values from two different variables, showing the relationship between them. With the distance a ball falls over time being the data in question, a scatterplot can effectively illustrate this relationship. The variable of time can be plotted on one axis (usually the x-axis), while the variable representing distance can be plotted on the other axis (usually the y-axis). This will visually demonstrate how the distance changes over time.

4. Histogram: A histogram is a graph that represents the distribution of continuous data. It is particularly useful when analyzing the spread and frequency distribution of data within a specific range. Although it is possible to create a histogram using the data collected about the distance a ball falls over time, a histogram would not be the most appropriate choice because it does not emphasize the relationship between time and distance, but rather focuses on the frequency distribution of different distances.

In conclusion, the most suitable graph to show the data about the distance a ball falls over time is a scatterplot. It will effectively display how the distance changes as time progresses.