Find the product:


To find the product, we need to multiply -6, -32, and 10 together.

(-6)(-32)(10) = 1920

sorry its 3/2 not 32

To find the product, we need to multiply -6, 3/2, and 10 together.

(-6)(3/2)(10) = -18/2(10) = -9(10) = -90

To find the product of −6, −32, and 10, you need to multiply the three numbers together.

−6 × −32 × 10 = 1,920.

So, the product of −6, −32, and 10 is 1,920.

To find the product of -6, -32, and 10, you simply need to multiply these numbers together. The general rule for multiplying negative and positive numbers is that a negative number multiplied by a negative number results in a positive number.

So, you can proceed as follows:

Step 1: Multiply -6 and -32:
-6 * -32 = 192

Step 2: Multiply the result from step 1 by 10:
192 * 10 = 1920

Therefore, the product of -6, -32, and 10 is 1920.