which part of the sentence does an intensive pronoun usually appear? (1 point)

• after the antecedent
• before the antecedent
O following a preposition
• before the preposition

• after the antecedent

An intensive pronoun usually appears after the antecedent.

An intensive pronoun usually appears after the antecedent in a sentence.

To identify an intensive pronoun in a sentence, you can follow these steps:
1. Look for a pronoun that ends in -self or -selves (e.g., myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, themselves).
2. Determine if the pronoun is used to emphasize or intensify the noun or pronoun it refers to.
3. Check if there is an antecedent (the word the pronoun refers back to) present in the sentence.
4. If there is an antecedent, the intensive pronoun typically follows or appears after the antecedent in the sentence.

It's important to note that while intensive pronouns are used for emphasis or intensification, they are not necessary for the sentence's basic structure or meaning.