Simplify 2(3v+9)−14−6(−5v−4).(1 point) Responses 36v+28 36 v plus 28 −6v−13 negative 6 v minus 13 106v+98 106 v plus 98 −24v−20

The simplified expression is 36v+28.

To simplify the expression 2(3v+9)−14−6(−5v−4), we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS):

First, simplify the expressions inside parentheses:
2(3v+9) = 6v + 18
-6(-5v-4) = 30v + 24

Now, substitute these simplified expressions back into the original expression:
6v + 18 - 14 - (30v + 24)

Next, combine like terms:
Combine the constant terms: -14 - 24 = -38
Combine the terms with 'v': (6v - 30v) = -24v

Finally, put it all together:
6v + 18 - 14 - (30v + 24) = -38 - 24v

So, the simplified form of the expression is -38 - 24v.

To simplify the expression 2(3v+9)−14−6(−5v−4), we need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

First, let's simplify the expression inside the parentheses:

Now, apply the distributive property to the first pair of parentheses:
2(3v+9) = 6v + 18

Next, simplify the expression inside the second pair of parentheses:
-5v - 4

Now, apply the distributive property to the second pair of parentheses:
6(-5v-4) = -30v - 24

Now, we can rewrite the expression as:
6v + 18 - 14 -30v - 24

Next, combine like terms:
Combine the terms with 'v':
(6v - 30v) = -24v
Combine the constant terms:
(18 - 14 - 24) = -20

The simplified expression is:
-24v - 20