What property of inequality justifies the steps shown in the following solution process?

4/3 d ≥ −20
3/4(43)d ≥ −20(3/4)
d ≥ −15
(1 point) Responses Subtraction Property of Inequality Subtraction Property of Inequality Multiplication Property of Inequality Multiplication Property of Inequality Division Property of Inequality Division Property of Inequality Addition Property of Inequality

Multiplication Property of Inequality

What property of inequality can justify the math in Step 2?

Step 1: −6(3w − 7) > −66
−18w + 42 >−66
Step 2: −18w + 42 − 42 > −66 − 42
−18w > −108
Step 3: −18w/−18 > −108/−18
(1 point) Responses Subtraction Property of Inequality Subtraction Property of Inequality Addition Property of Inequality Addition Property of Inequality Division Property of Inequality Division Property of Inequality Multiplication Property of Inequality

Addition Property of Inequality

Juana, Anish, and Giselle are comparing their solutions to the inequality 5/6 x ≤ −10 . Juana says that the inequality symbol must be reversed because there is a negative sign in the inequality. Anish says the Multiplication Property of Inequality or Division Property of Inequality must be applied. Giselle says the inequality symbol must stay the same. Based on these answers, which combination of people is correct?

Based on the answers given, Anish is correct. The Multiplication Property of Inequality or Division Property of Inequality must be applied when multiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality by a negative number.

you can choose more than 1

Based on the answers given, both Anish and Giselle are correct. The Multiplication Property of Inequality or Division Property of Inequality must be applied when multiplying or dividing both sides of the inequality by a negative number, as mentioned by Anish. However, Giselle is also correct in saying that the inequality symbol must stay the same. So, the combination of Anish and Giselle is correct.