ABi-conditional Statement

B Compound Statement
C Conditional Statement
D Negation

1 Statements joined by AND or OR
2 If and only if statement
3 having the opposite truth value
4 If-then statement

A 2 If and only if statement

B 1 Statements joined by AND or OR
C 4 If-then statement
D 3 having the opposite truth value

1. B Compound Statement: Statements joined by AND or OR.

2. A Bi-conditional Statement: If and only if statement.

3. D Negation: Having the opposite truth value.

4. C Conditional Statement: If-then statement.

A: If and only if statement

B: Statements joined by AND or OR
C: If-then statement
D: Having the opposite truth value

1. The correct answer is B. Statements joined by AND or OR are known as compound statements. Compound statements are created when two or more individual statements are connected by logical operators such as AND and OR.

To identify compound statements, look for the presence of logical operators like "and," "or," or their symbols (&& and ||).

2. The correct answer is A. An if and only if statement represents a bi-conditional relationship between two statements. It means that the two statements are true if they have the same truth value and false if they have opposite truth values. If one statement is true, the other statement must also be true.

To identify if and only if statements, look for phrases like "if and only if," "iff," or statements in the form "P if and only if Q."

3. The correct answer is D. Having the opposite truth value is known as negation. When you negate a statement, you flip its truth value. For example, if a statement is true, its negation is false, and if a statement is false, its negation is true.

To identify negation, look for words like "not," "is false," or the negation operator (~ or ¬).

4. The correct answer is C. If-then statements, also known as conditional statements, express a logical implication between two statements. The conditional statement takes the form "if P, then Q," where P is the antecedent (the if-part) and Q is the consequent (the then-part).

To identify if-then statements, look for phrases like "if," "then," "implies," "only if," or statements in the form "P implies Q."