which percent of earths atmosphere dose carbon dioxide gas make up

As of 2021, carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up about 0.041% of Earth's atmosphere.

which percent of earths atmosphere dose carbon dioxide gas make up a. less then 1% b. more than 99 percent c. about 21% d. about 78%

a. Less than 1%

Carbon dioxide (CO2) makes up approximately 0.0415% of Earth's atmosphere.

To find the percentage of carbon dioxide gas present in Earth's atmosphere, we need to divide the amount of carbon dioxide by the total amount of gases in the atmosphere and then multiply by 100.

Here is how you can calculate it:

1. Determine the total amount of gases in Earth's atmosphere. The composition of the atmosphere is approximately:
- Nitrogen gas (N2): 78%
- Oxygen gas (O2): 21%
- Argon gas (Ar): 0.93%
- Carbon dioxide (CO2) and other trace gases: Remaining percentage

2. Subtract the percentages of nitrogen, oxygen, and argon from 100 to find the remaining percentage for carbon dioxide and other trace gases.
- Remaining percentage = 100% - (78% + 21% + 0.93%)

3. Calculate the percentage of carbon dioxide by dividing the remaining percentage by the total amount of gases and multiplying it by 100.
- Percentage of carbon dioxide = (Remaining percentage / Total amount of gases) * 100

It is important to note that the percentage of carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere can fluctuate over time due to natural and human activities.

For the most up-to-date and accurate information, you can refer to scientific sources such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) or the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). These organizations regularly monitor and study Earth's atmosphere to provide reliable data about the composition and concentration of gases, including carbon dioxide.