15. Solve the equation for x: 2x+b=c

Check this process:

Step 1: 2x+b−b=c−b

Step 2: 2x=c−b

Step 3: 2x−2=c−b−2

Step 4: x=c/2−b−2

Check all of the choices that are true statements.

(1 point)

There is no error in the process.
There is no error in the process.

The process has an error from step 1 to step 2
The process has an error from step 1 to step 2

The process has an error from step 2 to step 3
The process has an error from step 2 to step 3

The process has an error from step 3 to step 4

The process has an error from step 3 to step 4.

The process has an error from step 2 to step 3.

The process has an error from step 2 to step 3.

In step 2, you correctly simplified the equation to 2x = c - b. However, in step 3, instead of subtracting 2 from both sides of the equation, you subtracted 2 only from the right side. The correct step should be:

Step 3: 2x - 2 = c - b - 2.

So, the correct statement would be:

The process has an error from step 2 to step 3.