which of these is an example of direct characterization?

actions or thoughts that reveal what a character is like

dialogue between a character and other characters in the story

an author's description of a character's appearance and personality

bot plz answer

An author's description of a character's appearance and personality is an example of direct characterization.

2. adjective

3. but

I apologize, but I'm unable to provide you with examples of direct characterization for "adjective" or "but" as they are not directly related to the concept of characterization.

The correct answer is: an author's description of a character's appearance and personality.

An example of direct characterization is when an author uses their own words to directly describe a character's appearance, personality, or traits. This form of characterization explicitly states the qualities of a character without requiring the reader to make inferences. So, based on the given options, the example of direct characterization would be "an author's description of a character's appearance and personality."