_______ wanted an immediate end to slavery.




Andrew Jackson


Abolitionists wanted an immediate end to slavery.

The correct answer is abolitionists. Now, let me explain how we can determine the correct answer.

To find out who wanted an immediate end to slavery among the given options, we need to understand the beliefs and actions of each group or individual.

1. Priests: While there were individual priests who spoke out against slavery, it was not a universally held belief among them. Some priests argued in favor of slavery, while others were involved in the abolitionist movement. Therefore, we cannot definitively say that priests as a group wanted an immediate end to slavery.

2. Aristocrats: Aristocrats, who were members of the upper social class, were generally slave owners and had a vested interest in maintaining the institution of slavery. Their economic and social status relied on the labor provided by enslaved individuals. So, it is unlikely that aristocrats as a whole wanted an immediate end to slavery.

3. Andrew Jackson: Andrew Jackson was the seventh president of the United States and owned slaves himself, so he can be ruled out as wanting an immediate end to slavery.

4. Abolitionists: Abolitionists were individuals or groups who actively fought for the complete eradication of slavery. They believed that slavery was immoral and inconsistent with the principles of equality and freedom. Many abolitionists advocated for an immediate end to slavery, without compromise or gradual emancipation.

Therefore, based on the given options, it is clear that the group most likely to have wanted an immediate end to slavery is the abolitionists.