Which example most effectively rewrites the last two sentences to insert a dependent clause with a subordinating conjunction?

Basketball was invented there in 1891, while volleyball was invented in 1895.
Basketball, which was invented there in 1891, and volleyball, which was invented in 1895.
In 1891 and 1985, basketball and volleyball were invented there
Basketball was invented there in 1891, because volleyball was invented in 1895.

Basketball was invented there in 1891, whereas volleyball was invented in 1895.

Which example effectively rewrites these sentences by rearranging phrases and clauses? Select the two correct answers.

Modern lacrosse was first played in Montreal, Quebec in 1834, although indigenous Americans played lacrosse before this date.
In Montreal, Quebec, in 1834, modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans, was first played.
Indigenous Americans first played modern lacrosse before this, in Montreal, Quebec, in 1834.
While indigenous Americans invented lacrosse before this date, modern lacrosse was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.
Modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans before this, was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.

In Montreal, Quebec, in 1834, modern lacrosse, invented by indigenous Americans, was first played.

While indigenous Americans invented lacrosse before this date, modern lacrosse was first played in 1834 in Montreal, Quebec.

Basketball was invented there in 1891, while volleyball was invented in 1895.

Basketball, which was invented there in 1891, while volleyball was invented in 1895.

The most effective example that rewrites the last two sentences to insert a dependent clause with a subordinating conjunction is:

Basketball was invented there in 1891, because volleyball was invented in 1895.

To identify the correct answer, we need to understand that a dependent clause is a group of words that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence and relies on an independent clause to form a complete thought. A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects the dependent clause to the independent clause, showing the relationship between the two clauses.

In the provided answer, "because" is a subordinating conjunction that connects the dependent clause "because volleyball was invented in 1895" to the independent clause "Basketball was invented there in 1891." This creates a complex sentence, with the dependent clause providing additional information to explain the reason for the action in the independent clause.