What type of government is characterized by being run from a central location often led by a single ruler or king

A: Decentralized government

B: Polytheistic government

C: centralized government

D: religious government

C: centralized government

Are you sure

Yes, I am sure. A centralized government is characterized by being run from a central location, often led by a single ruler or king.

The correct option is C: centralized government.

The correct answer is C: centralized government.

To determine this answer, let's break down the options:

A: Decentralized government refers to a system in which power is spread among different regions or local authorities, rather than being concentrated in one central location. This does not match the description given in the question.

B: Polytheistic government refers to a system where multiple gods or deities are worshipped. While this may influence a government's practices and beliefs, it does not directly address the centralization or the leadership role of a single ruler mentioned in the question.

D: Religious government refers to a system in which religious leaders hold significant power and influence over the government. While some religious governments may have centralized power structures with a single ruler or king, this answer does not specifically address the nature of government being run from a central location.

C: Centralized government refers to a system where power and decision-making authority are concentrated in a central location and often led by a single ruler or king. This aligns with the description provided in the question.

Hence, the correct answer is C: centralized government.