Round the decimal 0.334 to the underlined place.

0.334 rounded to the underlined place is 0.33.

To round the decimal 0.334 to the underlined place, we need to determine which place is being underlined.

If the underlined place is the tenths place, we look at the digit to the right of the tenths place. Since the digit in the hundredths place is 3, which is less than 5, we do not need to round up. Therefore, rounding 0.334 to the tenths place, the underlined place, gives us:


Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

To round the decimal 0.334 to the underlined place, identify which place value you want to round to. The underlined place refers to the specified place value.

In this case, let's say we want to round to the nearest hundredth place. To do this, look at the digit in the thousandth place, which is the next digit to the right. In this case, the digit in the thousandth place is 4.

Next, determine if the digit in the thousandth place (4) is 5 or greater, or less than 5. If it is 5 or greater, we will round up. If it is less than 5, we will round down.

Since the digit in the thousandth place (4) is less than 5, we will round down. Therefore, the decimal 0.334 rounded to the nearest hundredth place is 0.33.