When you use the ordered list, each entry in the list will automatically get a number or a letter in front of each list item.

a. True

b. False

a. True

b. False

The correct answer is a. True.

If you want to confirm this, here's how you can do it:

1. Look at the definition of an ordered list. An ordered list is a type of HTML list that displays the list items in a specific order and automatically numbers them or uses letters to indicate the order.

2. Remember that in HTML, the `<ol>` tag is used to create an ordered list. Inside the `<ol>` tag, each list item is represented by the `<li>` tag.

3. Check the syntax of an ordered list. An ordered list is written as follows:
<li>First item</li>
<li>Second item</li>
<li>Third item</li>
In this example, each list item will automatically be numbered: 1. First item, 2. Second item, 3. Third item.

4. Finally, confirm that an ordered list indeed automatically provides numbers or letters in front of each list item by observing the output when you render the HTML code in a browser or HTML editor.

Therefore, based on the definition, syntax, and the way an ordered list is rendered, the statement "When you use the ordered list, each entry in the list will automatically get a number or a letter in front of each list item" is true.