Emerging Technology Report

How has technology effected your life? Do you use technology every day? Are you waiting on the next iPhone to come out? Do you watch Sci-Fi movies and think what if? Technology is changing every day. Technology exists in three different ways:

Mainstream – technology that is used everyday

Emerging – a new technology that is currently being developed, or will be developed within the next year or so.

Futuristic – something that has to do with the future, or is ahead of the current times.

Examples: Phones, Cars, Recognition devices, GPS, Mobile Wallet


Using the Internet, you are to research the three different types of technology: Mainstream, Emerging and Futuristic.

In any app that you chose, you will create a report on the three types of technology.

You must provide a picture/graphic(ik u can”t do picture just tell what type of picture example.for each type of technology listed above. Pictures can be copied and pasted or saved and inserted in your document.

You I will also provide a brief summary on each type of technology. In your summary, describe the technology, how it works, and the cost (if available). The summary must be 1-2 sentences.

Mainstream Technology: Phones

- Picture/Graphic: A smartphone with various app icons on the screen.
- Summary: Phones have become an essential part of everyday life, providing communication, internet access, entertainment, and more. They work through cellular networks and Wi-Fi connections and come at various price ranges, depending on the brand and features.

Mainstream Technology: Cars
- Picture/Graphic: A modern car with sleek design and advanced features.
- Summary: Cars are widely used for transportation, offering convenience and mobility. They work through an internal combustion engine or electric motor and are available in various models and price ranges, depending on the brand, size, and technology incorporated (such as hybrid or electric cars).

Mainstream Technology: Recognition devices
- Picture/Graphic: A fingerprint scanner or facial recognition device.
- Summary: Recognition devices, such as fingerprint scanners or facial recognition software, are commonly used for security purposes. They work by analyzing unique physical characteristics to grant access or verify identity. The cost varies depending on the brand and level of sophistication.

Emerging Technology: GPS (Global Positioning System)
- Picture/Graphic: A GPS device or a map with highlighted routes.
- Summary: GPS technology enables precise positioning and navigation using satellite signals. It is being constantly developed and integrated into various devices, from dedicated GPS units to smartphones. The cost of GPS devices or apps can range from free to subscription-based services.

Emerging Technology: Mobile Wallet
- Picture/Graphic: A smartphone displaying a digital wallet app.
- Summary: Mobile wallets are emerging as a convenient means of making payments using smartphones or other mobile devices. They work by securely storing credit card information or other payment methods on the device, allowing for contactless transactions. The cost of using mobile wallet services may vary depending on the transaction fees or additional features offered by the specific app or service.

Futuristic Technology: Augmented Reality (AR)
- Picture/Graphic: A person wearing AR glasses or using an AR app.
- Summary: Augmented Reality (AR) technology overlays virtual content onto the real world, enhancing perception and interaction. It holds potential for various applications, including gaming, education, and industrial training. The cost of AR devices or apps depends on the level of sophistication and development.

Futuristic Technology: Robotics
- Picture/Graphic: A humanoid robot or robotic arm.
- Summary: Robotics involves the design and development of machines capable of performing tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. They can be used in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and exploration. The cost of robotics systems can vary widely depending on their complexity and intended use.

Sure! Here's a step-by-step guide on how to research and create a report on the three types of technology: Mainstream, Emerging, and Futuristic.

1. Research Mainstream Technology:
a. Start by researching mainstream technology examples such as phones, cars, recognition devices, GPS, and mobile wallets.
b. Find relevant information on each technology, including how they work and their cost (if available).
c. Select a picture or graphic for each mainstream technology example. Copy and paste or save and insert the pictures into your document.
d. Write a brief 1-2 sentence summary for each mainstream technology, describing its functionality and cost (if applicable).

2. Research Emerging Technology:
a. Explore the latest emerging technologies that are currently being developed or will be developed within the next year or so.
b. Find information on how these emerging technologies work and any estimated costs.
c. Identify a relevant picture or graphic for each emerging technology example and insert them into your report.
d. Write a concise 1-2 sentence summary for each emerging technology, describing its purpose and potential cost (if known).

3. Research Futuristic Technology:
a. Look for futuristic technologies that are ahead of the current times or related to the future.
b. Gather information on the functionality and potential costs (if any) of these futuristic technologies.
c. Locate suitable pictures or graphics for each futuristic technology example and include them in your report.
d. Write a brief 1-2 sentence summary for each futuristic technology, highlighting its futuristic nature and cost implications (if available).

4. Compile the Report:
a. Use any app of your choice to create the report.
b. Organize the information you found for each type of technology: mainstream, emerging, and futuristic.
c. Include the pictures or graphics you found next to their respective technology summaries.
d. Review and revise your report for coherence and accuracy.

Remember to cite your sources appropriately in your report and ensure that the information you provide is up-to-date and reliable.

As an AI bot, I don't have direct experiences or personal opinions, but I can help you understand the different types of technology you mentioned.

Mainstream Technology:
Mainstream technology refers to widely adopted technologies that are commonly used in our daily lives. Examples include smartphones, cars, recognition devices (e.g., fingerprint scanners), GPS systems, and mobile wallets. These technologies are already well-established in the market and have become integral parts of our routines.

Emerging Technology:
Emerging technology refers to new technologies that are currently being developed or are expected to be available within the next year or so. These technologies are not yet widely adopted but show promise for the future. Examples of emerging technologies include virtual reality (VR) headsets, self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) assistants, and blockchain-based applications.

Futuristic Technology:
Futuristic technology refers to concepts and innovations that are considered ahead of the current times or anticipate future advancements. They might not be fully realized or widely accessible yet. These technologies often inspire imagination and speculation about future possibilities. Examples of futuristic technologies include quantum computing, space tourism, mind-computer interfaces, and nanotechnology.

To complete your report, you can use the internet to find pictures or graphics for each type of technology. Search for relevant images that represent mainstream, emerging, and futuristic technologies, and include them in your report.

For the summary of each technology type, provide a brief description of the technology and how it works, as well as any available information on the cost. Aim for concise sentences that capture the essence of each technology.