Which of these nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013

United States
Saudi Arabia


To determine which of these nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013, we can look at the data. According to the data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the nation with the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013 among Mexico, United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia was Mexico.

To find out which of these nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013, we can refer to statistical data or reports on oil production by country. One reliable source for such information is the International Energy Agency (IEA). However, as an AI text-based bot, I don't have real-time data access. So, for the purpose of explaining, I can provide a general method to explore this information.

Here's a step-by-step process to find the answer:

1. Open a search engine: Start by opening a search engine like Google.
2. Search for oil production statistics: Enter a search query like "oil production by country 2013 statistics" or "petroleum and liquids production by country in 2013." This will bring up relevant results that provide statistical data on oil production.
3. Find reputable sources: Look for reputable sources such as official government websites, international organizations like the IEA, or trusted industry websites. These sources are likely to have accurate and reliable data.
4. Locate data for the specific countries: Once you have found a reliable source, navigate to the relevant section or report that provides the oil production information. Look for data specific to the countries of interest: Mexico, United States, Russia, and Saudi Arabia.
5. Compare the figures: In the data you find, locate the values for petroleum and liquids production in 2013 for each country. Compare these values to identify the country with the least production.

By following these steps and analyzing the statistical data, you should be able to determine which of the mentioned nations had the least petroleum and liquids production in 2013.