Comparing contrast, direct democracy and representative democracy give one similarity and 1 difference.

One similarity between direct democracy and representative democracy is that both systems give citizens the opportunity to have a voice in government decision-making. In direct democracy, citizens have the ability to participate directly in shaping laws and policies through voting and public forums. In representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

One difference between direct democracy and representative democracy is the level of citizen involvement in decision-making. In direct democracy, citizens are directly involved in every step of the decision-making process, as they vote on laws and policies themselves. In representative democracy, citizens delegate their decision-making power to elected representatives, who then make decisions on their behalf.

Similarity: Both direct democracy and representative democracy are forms of democratic systems where the power ultimately lies with the people.

Difference: In a direct democracy, citizens have the ability to directly participate and make decisions in the governing process, typically through voting. In a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf.

To compare and contrast direct democracy and representative democracy, we'll look at their similarities and differences.

Similarity: Both direct democracy and representative democracy are forms of democratic systems.

Difference: The main difference between direct democracy and representative democracy lies in how decisions are made. In a direct democracy, all citizens have the opportunity to directly participate in decision-making. This means that citizens vote on every issue and policy themselves, without the need for elected representatives. In contrast, in a representative democracy, citizens elect representatives who make decisions on their behalf. These representatives are accountable for making decisions that align with the values and interests of the people they represent.

To find this information, you can refer to various sources such as textbooks, articles, online resources, and scholarly papers on political science or government systems. These sources will provide detailed explanations and comparisons of different forms of democracy, including both direct democracy and representative democracy.