Looking at leat 2 journals in scopus index or clarivate analytics journals related in this topic self regulated learning strategies.

1. Journal: Contemporary Educational Psychology

- Publisher: Elsevier
- Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/27143
- Clarivate Analytics Link: No data available

2. Journal: Learning and Individual Differences
- Publisher: Elsevier
- Scopus Link: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/25452
- Clarivate Analytics Link: https://publons.com/journal/78289/learning-and-individual-differences/

Please note that availability in the Clarivate Analytics indexing may vary for certain journals.

To find at least two journals related to self-regulated learning strategies in the Scopus index or Clarivate Analytics (formerly known as Web of Science) journals, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the Scopus index or Clarivate Analytics journals website.
Step 2: Use the search bar to enter the keywords "self-regulated learning strategies."
Step 3: Refine your search to include only journals by selecting the "journals" option from the search options.
Step 4: Browse through the search results and select at least two journals that are relevant to your topic.
Step 5: Make a note of the journal names, impact factors (if available), and any other relevant information.

Please note that journal availability and access might vary depending on your institution's subscription or individual access.

To find at least 2 journals in the Scopus index or Clarivate Analytics related to the topic of self-regulated learning strategies, you can follow these steps:

1. Visit the Scopus index website (https://www.scopus.com/sources) or the Clarivate Analytics website (https://clarivate.com/products/web-of-science/) and navigate to the search or browse function.

2. In the search box or advanced search options, enter the keywords "self-regulated learning strategies" or "self-regulated learning" to find relevant journals.

3. Apply any filters or criteria you prefer, such as publication dates, subject areas, or impact factor (if applicable).

4. Review the search results, which will display a list of journals matching your criteria. You can click on each journal's title for more details.

5. From the search results, select at least 2 journals that appear to be relevant to your topic and meet your criteria. Look for key information such as journal title, publication frequency, editors, and key topics covered.

6. Once you have identified the journals that meet your requirements, note down their titles, ISSN numbers, and any other relevant details for future reference.

Remember that the availability of specific journals may vary depending on your institution's access or subscription. If you encounter any issues accessing the journals, you can consult your university library or academic databases to gain access.