A fictitious element X is composed of 20 percent of the isotope X-50,15 percent of the isotope X -51, and 65 percent of the isotope X - 52. Estimate the mass of element Z.

To estimate the mass of element X, we need to know the atomic masses of each isotope. Let's assume that the atomic masses of X-50, X-51, and X-52 are 50g/mol, 51g/mol, and 52g/mol respectively.

To calculate the mass of X-50: 20% * total mass = 0.20 * total mass = 0.20 * X-50 mass = 0.20 * 50g/mol = 10g/mol
To calculate the mass of X-51: 15% * total mass = 0.15 * total mass = 0.15 * X-51 mass = 0.15 * 51g/mol = 7.65g/mol
To calculate the mass of X-52: 65% * total mass = 0.65 * total mass = 0.65 * X-52 mass = 0.65 * 52g/mol = 33.8g/mol

The total mass of element X is the sum of the masses of each isotope:
Mass of X = 10g/mol + 7.65g/mol + 33.8g/mol = 51.45g/mol

Therefore, the estimated mass of element X is 51.45 grams per mole.

To estimate the mass of element X, we need to know the atomic masses of the isotopes X-50, X-51, and X-52. Let's assume the atomic masses are 50 amu, 51 amu, and 52 amu respectively.

Step 1: Calculate the mass contribution of each isotope:
- The mass contribution of X-50: 20% × 50 amu = 10 amu
- The mass contribution of X-51: 15% × 51 amu = 7.65 amu
- The mass contribution of X-52: 65% × 52 amu = 33.8 amu

Step 2: Add the mass contributions of each isotope together:
10 amu + 7.65 amu + 33.8 amu = 51.45 amu

Therefore, the estimated mass of element X is approximately 51.45 amu.

To estimate the mass of element Z, we need to know the atomic masses of each isotope and their respective percentages.

Let's assume the atomic masses are:
- X-50: 50 atomic mass units (a.m.u)
- X-51: 51 a.m.u
- X-52: 52 a.m.u

Now, let's calculate the mass of element Z:

1. Convert the percentages to decimal form:
- X-50: 20% = 0.20
- X-51: 15% = 0.15
- X-52: 65% = 0.65

2. Multiply the decimal percentages by their respective atomic masses:
- Mass of X-50 = 0.20 * 50 a.m.u = 10 a.m.u
- Mass of X-51 = 0.15 * 51 a.m.u = 7.65 a.m.u
- Mass of X-52 = 0.65 * 52 a.m.u = 33.80 a.m.u

3. Add up the masses of each isotope to get the total mass of element Z:
Mass of Z = Mass of X-50 + Mass of X-51 + Mass of X-52
Mass of Z = 10 a.m.u + 7.65 a.m.u + 33.80 a.m.u

Calculating the sum,
Mass of Z = 51.45 a.m.u

Therefore, the estimated mass of element Z is approximately 51.45 atomic mass units.