Sophia gave the club's sponsor a copy of her speech

A - copy
B - Sophia
C - speech
D - sponsor

A - copy

B - Sophia
C - speech
D - sponsor

In the given sentence, the club's sponsor received a copy of a speech from Sophia.

To identify the specific components mentioned in the sentence, we can break it down as follows:

A - The component mentioned in the sentence is a "copy." This refers to the duplicate or replication of something, in this case, Sophia's speech.

B - The individual mentioned in the sentence is "Sophia." It is stated that Sophia gave the copy of her speech to someone.

C - The component mentioned in the sentence is a "speech." This refers to the content or text that Sophia created and shared with others.

D - The individual mentioned in the sentence is the "sponsor" of the club. They are the recipient of the copy of Sophia's speech.

To summarize:
A - copy
B - Sophia
C - speech
D - sponsor

In the sentence, "Sophia gave the club's sponsor a copy of her speech," the different parts of the sentence can be identified as follows:

A - copy: This refers to the object that was given. In this case, it is a copy of something.

B - Sophia: This refers to the person who performed the action of giving. In this case, it is Sophia.

C - speech: This refers to the thing that was given as a copy. Specifically, it is a speech.

D - sponsor: This refers to the recipient of the copy of the speech. It is the club's sponsor.

So to summarize:

A - copy: What was given
B - Sophia: Who gave it
C - speech: What was given as a copy
D - sponsor: Who received the copy